Matsya Veena is another visualization of my lute “Malayala Veena” which is my solace in my lonely and solitary life. Here I am dreaming an itinerary in the imaginary world of “Sangeetha Sagara (Ocean of Music in a bluish green scale) by holding the rib of a lute which is in the form of a huge fish (Matsya). The background and surrounding are brimming with the survival struggle of the fittest and cunning souls as in the Indian proverb says “Matsya nyaayena” i.e. big fish devouring the small one. The painting itself is framed and encased in the form of a fish shaped musical instrument which can be tuned in the basic scale of the “raga” of this painting .

It was a wonderful idea to time travel to the mysterious world of versatile genius Leonado da Vinci, one of my favorite Guru in the realm of creativity. I used to go the medieval times in my wild dreams, by clinging on the hands of my Mother Goddess Kaali, the Goddess of time, which is a recurring motif in most of my paintings. In the dream I saw the great artist playing his wonderful lute, which has some resemblance with my “Malayala Veena”. I saw his enticing botanical specimen, sprouting around him which recalls my art experiences with Botanical Survey of India. I wonder when I saw some similarity with my folk sculpture “Garuda” and his flying machine creations. In this painting I juxtaposed his terrible war machines and weapons against his piano and other serene musical instruments as I did Kaali’s Nathakam (Sword) against her Nantuni (lute). And finally I am realizing the mysterious similarity in his Vitruvius man, (who is the measure of all) with the concept of Virad Purusha (Purusha evedamidam Sarvam” Rigveda) whose glory is reflecting everywhere in Cosmos.



It is a suktha from Rig veda in which the the Risi / composer is seeking the mystery of this cosmos.  he is visualizing that  ,at first  something consciousness started breathing from within may be due to  kama /desire . All gods were created  after that act . Some times the so called creator thyself may or may not know when it was created . This uncertainity is picturized here by connecting index fingers .